Ry is a professional artist with a mission to bring healing through the power of art. By utilizing experiences in their life and applying the mediums of acrylic paint, charcoal, marker and more, Ry is able to capture and release emotions in their designs and creations.

Note from the Artist:

If you had told me at age 10 that my current hobby would become my career, I would not have believed it! The reality is that my parents, like so many others, had raised me to think that art would lead to poverty and that it should be a side job at best. However, as I struggled under the strict boundaries of a rigid Roman Catholic household, art became so important to me that it was like breathing: necessary for survival. Art was a place with no boundaries! It was a place where the confusion of mental illness and the pain of religion found release, and the more I made art, the more I refined my process into a potent technique for healing.

 For me, my process begins with carefully selected music and an intention to release something from my mind. It is this careful process of intensifying emotions and placing them into a design that has given my art importance and depth. I have not only experienced this with art I placed on canvas, in fact I have experienced this most powerfully in my tattoos! My tattoos gave me healing for my bodily insecurities and transformed my features from unlovable to cherished. 

This is why I am working towards becoming a tattoo artist! My designs and my artistic process will bring healing and self love to my future clients who entrust me with their stories. My life experiences with my own body dysmorphia and mental health issues will enable me to be incredibly empathetic in a way that other tattoo artists may not have achieved before. My mission is to bring my gift of healing art to the world of tattooing, so that I can give clients body art that is transformative, empowering, supportive, motivating and of course, visually stunning!

Ry in their senior gallery show "What's In My Head"

Image Shot at Ry’s 2021 senior gallery show “What’s In My Head”


In addition to their current work, Ry is also working on taking steps to become a tattoo artist. Every commission helps to support Ry through their apprenticeship; if you have been looking to get some fresh art, do it today! Click the button below.